Annang Welley
Sansrik Elementary school
Kosrae Department of Education
- (691) 370-2695
Sansrik Menu
- Photo Gallery
- School Improvement Plan
- School Bulletin
- School Calendar
Contact Information
- (691) 370-2695 or 970-8100
Sansrik Elementary School
Mission: The Mission of Sansrik Elementary School is to provide active learning in a safe, supportive environment in order to attain and/or exceed standards and to foster life-long learning for all students.
Vision: All students at Sansrik Elementary School will be prepared with skills, academic and cultural knowledge, and attitudes necessary to meet and/or exceed content and performance.
The Sansrik Elementary School (SES) offers general education to children ages 5 – 13 (Early Childhood Education to grade 8). A typical school year runs between August and May. On a normal school day instruction begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 1:36 p.m. with a 15-minute recess at 11 a.m. Transportation to and from is provided for those students who need this service at no cost.
SES opens its doors to all children regardless of gender, religious preference, race, handicap, etc. Transfer and new students must provide a birth certificate, immunization card and other documents required for registration.
Extracurricular Activities
Math Meet Club, Environmental Club, Newsletter Club, Little League Baseball Club, Junior Basketball Club.
Handbooks and Standards
Local school policies are listed in the Sansrik Student Handbook (pdf). Also see the National Curriculum Standard Benchmarks.