Scott Nena
Kosrae High School
Kosrae Department of Education
- scott.nena@kosrae.doe.fm
- (691) 370-8748
- www.kosrae.doe.fm
Kosrae High School
Kosrae High School is the only high school in the State of Kosrae, one of the four states in the Federated States of Micronesia. The school is located in the center of the island in Tofol. KHS serves grades 9th – 12th. The population of Kosrae is approximately 7000.
Kosrae High School (KHS) opened in the 1960’s in Yekula and was originally a boarding school. Students would walk to the high school from their villages on Sunday, stay on campus, and walk back home on Friday. The current high school was completed in 2010.
Kosrae High School runs a Two Track System. The Kosrae Vocational School and the Kosrae Advanced Program. All students must take English, math, science and social studies.
Vocational Students must also take 12 units in their chosen field. Advanced Students must take public speaking, chemistry, physics, algebra II, pre-calculus, economics, government, music, art and Spanish.
There are 45 faculty with degrees ranging from BA/Ss to PHDs teaching at the school. There is one principal and one vice principal.
Extracurricular Activities
Kosrae High School has an after school sports program and numerous clubs. The high school offers job shadowing programs in nursing, radio broadcasting, electrical engineering and hotel management.
Handbooks and Standards
Local school policies are listed in the Kosrae High School Student Handbook (pdf). Also see the National Curriculum Standard Benchmarks.
Contact Information
- scott.nenat@kosrae.doe.fm
- (691) 370-8748
- www.kosrae.doe.fm
- List Item
School Improvement Plan
School Bulletin
School Calendar